Monday, June 25, 2012

Mumford and Sons, lyrics and a shared history

Listening to Mumford and Sons has been a reflective time for me. The lyrics and the music get me every-time.

There are a few websites out there that reflect on the lyrics; there seems to be a concensus that the lyrics come from classic liturature, with a constant theme of loss. Be it drugs, alcohol, a love; or somthing Spiritual. It all comes down to the interpretation and background of the listener.

I go for the Spiritual interpretation. For Marcus the lead singer again this is open to interpretation but for him growing up in the Vineyard church, and his parents been the equivelent of 'bishops' in England; we have some overlap. In the some way we were in the same 'The family'.

I suspect been born in California he would have visited and even been a member with his parents at Vineyard churches in the States. He probably went to the big churches in Anaheim and Lancaster. While there sung songs by Kevin Prosch (I see a lot in common with Kevin), Andy Hunter, Cindy Rethmeier. He may have sung in the 'Tongues of angels', raising his hands and putting on the equivalent face.

I suspect that Marcus was in a 'Worship band' growing up. He probably learnt the trade of musician ship, moving a crowd in this environment.

Maybe leaders would have gathered his family together, the likes of John Wimber, Carl Tuttle would have said prophetic words and healing over them.

The lyrics appear to make sense when I reflect on his probable past. His stardom now and the equivalent life.

I suppose I see what has been rejected, I can empathize with it. I can also empathize with the lyrics that there is hope; faith is still there but to find it you need a blank canvas and the real possibility that you will never go back to 'The family'. But in the process you may find something even more real.


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