Friday, June 25, 2010

Christian leaders popularity conference....

Had a laugh at this one, from the 'Out of Ur' blog (I didn't know what else to do!)

For this reason I was both saddened and disturbed by the Leadership Network’s decision to run a Twitter-based popularity contest to determine the speakers for THE NINES conference in 2010. The feedback form seen here allows users to submit the name of a church leader. Twitter users are then able to give a thumbs up or down to each person. Ranking is then automatically determined by the ratio of positive to negative votes a leader receives. Adding a dash of arsenic to an already distasteful dish, the site allows you to see exactly who voted up or down for each leader.

From the 'Feed back from', it was good to see Alan Hirsch our old mate from forge made the top ten. I was also surprised at the number one Francis Chan, I've read his book and found it cloaked in so much Christian culture most people would have though he was an alien. (Mind you 10 years ago I probably would have thought this book great!)

So would this make me want to go it, 'Nope': if I was a contestant would I want to go to it 'Nope', I'd be interested if Alan gos to it?

Now, what would Jesus do???