Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Roasting log, behmor 1600, 3rd of Feb 2010

Behmor Home Coffee Roaster + 8 pounds coffee + free shipping 

Bean:: coffee snob, "Brazil Pulped Natural"
Weight: 500gm
Weight roasted:: 262gm
Ambient temp :: 21.1c
Weight Profile ::1 pound
Profile :: P2 "c"
Time :: 21.30s
First Crack:: 5.01s
Rolling Crack::4.32s
Second crack 2.00s
Cool down:: 2.00 Happening into the cool down.

Grading, sweet maria:: 12 City++ Has come out very dark
Notes:: First Time with this roast. C
offee Snobs notes

Sun dried and screened to 17/18 this is the perfect Brazilian base to your favourite traditional blend.  It roasts evenly and produces good body and balance in the cup.  Great value in a rising market and we bought plenty of it to give CS’rs some consistency in their blends

Looks like it is more suited to blending but we will give it a crack!
Got to the second crack with about 2 minutes to spare. Was still cracking definitely on cool down. Very reminiscent of the coffee which we used to purchase at Ranges coffee for their decaf.