Sunday, February 7, 2010

Roast Log, Behmor 1600, 7th of February

Behmor Home Coffee Roaster + 8 pounds coffee + free shipping

Bean:: coffee snob, "Decaf Wow"
Weight: 300gm
Weight roasted:: 262gm
Ambient temp :: 20.1c
Weight Profile ::1/2 pound
Profile :: P2 "c"
Time :: 1400
First Crack:: 4.18s
Rolling Crack::??
Second crack 3.30s
Cool down:: 3.30s
Grading, sweet maria:: 11-12 full city+
Notes:: Even though 1C and 2C happened in the first profile I wanted to move it a little bit sooner. So it started closer to the commencement of the 2nd profile!
Once again the times we are aiming at are :: 5.35secs and then ramps back up at 1.25 where things cool a bit in the 2nd profile.
The result, beans appeared a bit lighter. The 1C and 2C happened roughly in the middle of the second profile.