'real men avoid the church because it projects a hippie queer Christ, whereas me want the "Ultimate fighting Jesus"I don't actually think that Driscoll is right here. I think there are a few issues at play.
Throughout most of my Christian life there has always been a larger percentage of women in Church than men. There was a small period at RangesCC where this was different.
Scott McKnight from the Jesus Creed had an article on "Why women are more religious".
He quotes a Baylor Study on Religion in the US::
69% vs. 57% believe in GodMen are twice as likely to be atheists.77% vs. 68% believe Jesus is the Son of God.Weekly church attendance: 40% vs. 31%Prays at least once a day: 57% vs. 40%.Reads the Bible weekly: 32% vs. 24%.HIgh on religious experience index: 31% vs. 22%
The reasons why are ::
Alan Miller famously connected lack of male religiousness to risk-taking stats; that is, men are more risky and reckless and so they are more "rebellious" when it comes to religion. (How's that for a sentence with Rs?) Miller discovered that risk takers and irreligiousness were correlated for both men and women.
I think I know what this means but a few examples would have been good. I'm also sure that "Rebelliousness" is not the same as 'masculine'.