Monday, December 7, 2009

Frank Viola Re-imagining Church, Chapter 11, Reimagining Spiritual Cover

'Spiritual covering' is an interesting chapter. In many ways I think Viola is right. The way 'Covering' has been used is some cases in abusive. Yet on a practical level I'm not sure that he has given any practical alternatives. (I'm not really sure what he meant by the 'Shepharding movement' it sound like a Northern American thing, which I don't think he explained well.)

Covering may not be used with that specific wording in the bible as Viola writes. Yet I think it could be argue that it is implied with accountability, an aspect of Spiritual formation and the call to holiness.

One of the things that Viola writes about is the hierarchal nature of 'Covering'. I think in a traditional sense, this is the case. Yet I know that for Vineyard certainly in Australia it is very much based around a network. Where peer mentoring is probably the best accountability, or covering you may have.

I also find it amusing his conclusion regarding 'The real question behind covering", That it is 'Who controls you". I've always thought covering as who is going to take some of the responsibility when you stuff up. Certainly for me this was the case in the Anglican system, when a Bishop took on much which I didn't hear about in my ministry...

Its interesting that I'm sure there would be similar structure in Northern America, yet Viola doesn't mention them. I can't help wonder if he wants to really depress the reader, into thinking the church is doomed completely.

The next chapter may I think unpack some of my concerns.... 'Reimagining authority and submission'

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