Well most people who know us, know that Christina myself and the girls have left the mountain. That we have moved on from Ranges Church which we have lead for 6 or so years.
It was always going to be a difficult move, leaving friends and a church which in many ways feels like a child which you have fathered. It is why I've avoided this post, yet I feel has to be written.
There are a number of reasons for the move.
:: I've always wanted to live in a regional. (Christina didn't but was willing to comprise if it was near the sea. Thus Phillip Island.)
:: We wanted to do this prior to the girls starting kinda and school.
:: The ways things at Ranges church was going, was positve. It was a healthy time to move on.
:: I also felt that until the girls both started School we would have had limited time to do anything new and innovative. While maintaining what we already have Again this was a good time for others to step up, and u to move on.
The future, with ministry...
:: At this stage we just want to hang for a year or so at Phillip Island. See what the Holy Spirit is up to. In the church, with the community, and with ourselves.
:: We are still on the board of Vineyard Cataylst Network and will probably head over to Nerium South and help with John and Chris V with their house type church, in the short term.
:: When the time is right we will probably plant again. This time a lot differn't. So stay tuned!
G'day mate - hmmm - big news I imagine! All the best fir the next leg of the journey - Hamo
Thanks for sharing Scott, I can appreciate the decision and see that there has been much prayer and thought into it. You'll be missed in the mountains and foothills, but I trust that we will see one another around the traps - perhaps Surrender or Learning from the Locals...
God bless and love to Christina and the girls from myself and my family!
Looking forward to seeing what you guys and the Holy Spirit have in store for the future!
i'm so encouraged for you...and i'll be listening to hear what the Father is up to with you...
Thanks for the well wishes guys.
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